Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Bike Commute of the Year

There aren't the right words for getting to live a blue sky day.  I rode to and from work for the first time this year.  Over the Manhattan bridge.  The North side.  Slipped straight through the warm breeze.  

New York City has never looked so bright and full of blue.


  1. These are some amazing pictures! And yes very bright bold and blue.

    1. Yes the essence of the words are captured in the pictures.

  2. Beautiful pictures. Glad the weather is nice out for you.

  3. That must have been an exhilarating ride. Of all the times I was in NYC, I never rode a bike one time. I miss NYC as I am still in Manila until my book, 'White Lies' is published in May.

    On another note, are the scalpers still in Times Square selling tickets to shows? I have occasioned to get some pretty good deals there.

  4. Ah! I so wanna go there!

    We had gorgeous weather today too! Set a record :)

    You're a very good photographer!

  5. Beautiful photos, as always! I love your angles.
