Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Subway Sketches and a Short Piece Published

I've written a lot, over the years, while riding on subway and train cars. It's resulted in dozens upon dozens of sketches where I capture moments, real and imagined.

It's no wonder, then, that in all the years sending work out into the world, only two small stories have ever been accepted for publication and they've both been part of what I shall now call the subway series (like baseball but more lyrical.)

So, I'm happy to share one of those stories, this flash piece in the latest issue of Cleaver Magazine. I hope you will check out this issue and all the wonderful work the magazine puts out. It's cool to be a small part of it.

With thanks to the lovely Beth Kephart for pointing me towards the magazine, the way she points me in the direction of so many cool things.


  1. Congrats, I'm going to take a look now :)

  2. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it.

  3. Just read it. Its beautiful, and it really captures the whole subway riding experience. I love the way the lady says "you can fall on me" and how she "likes a crowded train."

  4. Stunning, Melissa! Yes, I do believe that God is in the curve of every letter, in between the space of each word, each pause, each period, each breath. Thank you for sharing this beautiful divine spark! And may the words keep flowing.

  5. Congrats! Going to take a look - so glad you are writing and submitting.

  6. Just catching up after being away and I had to tell you this piece is compelling and gorgeous. Keep writing!
