Friday, February 28, 2014

Something I Ate

February Photo A Day

Thanks for playing along with the February photos. They allowed me to feel like I was doing a bit of creative work when every part of me wished to be creative but time seemed very slippery.

I missed a few photos this month, not because I failed to post, but, because I often didn't find the theme inspiring (inside my closet? inside my bathroom cabinet? money? they just seemed strange to me.)

But, something I ate? This. I can handle. Let's face it. Food inspires.

So I share a final few photos from the meal of a lifetime.  All in all there were 16 courses. Two tasting menus at Akelarre in San Sebastian, Spain. I feature the most beautiful here.  We were on our honeymoon. We splurged and ate like royalty. We ate food that should have been art.

Prawns and French Beans cooked in "Orujo" Fireplace

Roasted Suckling Pig with Tomato "Balao" and Iberian Emulsion

Turbot with its "Kokotxa" 

"Xaxu" and Coconut Iced Mousse

Layered Strawberry and Cream


  1. I'm sitting here open mouthed at the beauty of that food! I wouldn't have wanted to eat it. I hope it tasted as good as it looks?

  2. Yes, mouth sufficiently watering....been thinking of how you are doing. I hope you are enjoying these early days of motherhood and that winter has been nice to you :)

  3. That is art! And that last one looks like a mirage. Had my head spinning, but it sounded delectable! So which was your favorite? :)

  4. Wow! Art combined with a feast! Love it!

    Look at my blog as I have commented on your comment to me and was going to paste it onto here as well but can't seem to copy and paste it!!
